Where Can I Study Classics in Texas?

This page contains resources for people interested in studying Classics in Texas and beyond. It is not designed to be comprehensive but rather to provide a broad picture of which institutions offer at least some courses in Classics – whether in Latin, Ancient Greek, Ancient History, Archaeology, Philosophy, or another aspect of classical culture.

UT Austin offers a variety of Classics courses in the summer, which (unlike courses in the regular academic year) are also open to students from other institutions. Instructions for students seeking transient admission can be found here. Summer courses feature introductions to the classical world as well as elementary classes in both languages, including a very successful Summer Intensive Greek program for beginners. For those who prefer to learn online, a self-paced Latin sequence is available through University Extension; the courses can be taken at any time and do not require admission to the university.

Prospective students interested in seeing where in Texas they might be able to study Classics should consult this spreadsheet. It lists all institutions in Texas that provide a major, minor, or individual courses in classical subjects. The information was compiled up to 06/01/2022 and may not reflect current offerings. (Credit: William Farris)

For students interested in studying Classics outside Texas, the National Committee for Latin and Greek hosts a spreadsheet listing 200+ colleges and universities with Latin, Greek, and Classics majors. (Credit: Bryan Carlson).

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